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We would like to introduce you some scarf binding techniques, how you can wrap this great accessory giant around the neck and quickly turn into the perfect switch carrier.


Tie long scarves

Sure, you can just hang your scarf over your neck. But why not make the beautiful and stylish accessory skillfully? Do you lack the necessary inspiration? No problem, with these simple tricks you can make your long shawl to look at!


The braided knot

From now on, the end is boredom! The braided knot looks particularly open to open blazers, jackets or tops with deeper cut-outs. An elegant and versatile way to tie your scarf or your cloth.


The loop

The loop, or tube hose, has now found its way into almost all of the wardrobes. As a sewn version you can buy it everywhere and admire on many necks. But, of course, you can also make a loop of a normal scarf by tying it at the ends and wrapping it around the neck twice.


The waterfall

This variation sounds exotic and unfortunately does not work with any scarf or cloth. It is very important that the material is smooth so that the waterfall actually looks like one after another. This version is especially beautiful when you wear a slightly deeper top or an open jacket.


The simple noose

You can easily loop around the neck. Almost a basic version in terms of scarf binding, but therefore no less beautiful or useful. So if you do not want to have so much effort, this version is a great way to look good.


The tie

Are ties for men only? This may perhaps be true in some cases, but definitely not in relation to the necktie knot with which you can wonderfully scarf your scarf. In addition, it does not really look like a tie after all, because the name actually only describes the way your scarf is tied. Just convince yourself and try it out.